Our Sebastopol, California Pond's 29th year - 2024
We have been living at our McCloud home for a good part of each year, but here is a bit of an update.

Winter 2024

January (click on any links to see more images)
Jan. 9 - Can you tell which side of the pond I've had time to do maintenance on?

If you're on FaceBook, here's a short movie of a young flicker having a very good time bathing in the bowl of our waterfall boulder!

Even if you're not on Facebook, here are some links to and one still images of this exubrant young Flicker in the pond's waterfall bowl. 1-24
Flicker bathing

Flicker doing further bathing

Flicker who finished bathing

February (click on any links to see more images)

One "use" of a pond is to use its surface to see if its raining! (FaceBook link)


March (click on any links to see more images)

The Chorus Frogs started laying eggs.

A pond's surroundings add to its beauty!

Dragonly nymph were seen near the surface, getting ready to emerge

This is what his sibling looked like when he was lifted out of the pond to pose!

Our first dragonfly (Anisoptera) emerged - as usual, a Cardinal Meadowhawk!

Come back soon!!