California Dragonfly Sightings

1998, in order from most to least recent!

*= county record (or at least the first brought to my attention!)[County records should be substantiated with specimen or photo and notes.] Please send your sightings to Kathy Biggs, listed in order by date, county, species (Latin, then common) & then other references, as noted below.

*=3rd new species was discovered in a museum where it had sat for ~20 yrs, unnoticed. Coincidentally it was rediscovered in another location in the state just 3 days later!


27, SONOMA CO.: ? Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk? - one dull dragonfly with orangeish tint seen flying during Madrone Christmas Bird Count near Occidental. John, member of Kirk Hopland's team, Madrone Audubon Christmas Bird Count

7, SACRAMENTO CO.: Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - one brightly colored male in star thistle at American River Parkway TM

N/A, LOS ANGELES CO.: Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - one seen high in a tree from a third floor window at UCLA. JC

That's all there is for December folks!


7, LOS ANGELES CO.: Archilestes californica, California Spreadwing; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - nothing else out as the weather was bad. It was cold and overcast and windy. JC

1-6, SONOMA CO.: Aeshna umbrosa, Shadow Darner - one male at Bigsnest pond on the 1st; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - only two seen in Sebastopol. KB

4, SACRAMENTO.: Enallagma civile, Familiar Bluet - there were a few in weeds along the roadside and possibly they were the species ovipositing way out in some harvested rice fields flooded for waterfowl; Ischnura denticollis, Black-fronted Forktail - a nice male Black- fronted Forktail netted along the drain itself and other forktails (probably cervula or denticollis??) further out; Anax junius, Green Darner - a few; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - in weeds along the roadside, possibly they were the species seen ovipositing in large numbers, couldn't get real close to the site -all these were present along the Natomas Drain north of Sacramento. TM


26 SAN FRANCISCO CO.: Aeshna multicolor, Blue Darner; Paltothemis lineatipes, Red River Skimmer; Aeshna species, Darner species - couldn't ID, but one of the biologist mentioned something about a Pallid Darner - all seen on the Farallon Islands. KH

23, SAN DIEGO CO.: Archilestes californica, California Spreadwing - several pair ovipositing 10 feet above water on a willow tree branch; Zygoptera sp., damselfly species, pairs ovipositing; Aeshna sp., Darner species; Libelluidae sp. nymph, Skimmer species nymph, one of which was in the process of molting! -all these were present at a small stream in the bottom of Hellhole Canyon, near Escondido. RL

mid-month, MARIN CO.: Tramea onusta, Red Saddlebag - seen near Point Reyes Lighthouse after 2 days of SE breeze!!RS [ed. note: although this is an exciting new county record, it is not being added to the maps until it can be confirmed as it is so far removed from any other known sighting-KB]

15, LOS ANGELES CO.: Archilestes californica, California Spreadwing; Archilestes grandis, Great Spreadwing; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer; Aeshna walkeri, Walker's Darner; Anax junius, Common Green Darner; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer; Paltothemis lineatipes, Red Rock Skimmer; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk; S. illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk -all these were present and fairly common at Santa Ynez Canyon, 3 mi. north of Pacific Palisades on Palisades Dr. JC

15, SONOMA CO.: Enallagma sp., Bluet sp. -a few pair tandem ovipositing; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner - modest numbers; Aeshna sp., Mosaic Darner sp - a few; Anax junius, Common Green Darner - at least one pair seen in tandem; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - ~100-200, many very busy ovipositing - at Laguna De Santa Rosa sewer ponds, Sebastopol. KB

11, SISKIYOU CO.: Enallagma carunculatum, Tule Bluet -a male and a female seen, confirmation of suspected October flight period; Aeshna sp., Mosaic Darner sp - a few; Anax junius, Common Green Darner - a few; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - modest numbers - all near the McCloud River. K&DB

1-14, SONOMA CO.: Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail -none after the 3rd; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner - modest numbers; Anax junius, Common Green Darner - a few; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - modest numbers -- all at Bigsnest wildlife Pond; Aeshna umbrosa, Paddle-tailed Darner - at least 1 near Occidental. KB

10, SOLANO CO.: Archilestes californica, California Spreadwing; Aeshna walkeri, Walker's Darner - some seen; Paltothemis lineatipes, Red Rock Skimmer - a few -- all at Cold Canyon near Monticello Dam. AR

8, SACRAMENTO CO.: Pantala hymenea, Spot-winged Glider - 1, roosting with the meadowhawks; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - many - these seen in his backyard; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Enallgama civile, Familiar Bluet; Aeshna sp., Mosaic Darner sp. - occasional; Pantala hymenea, Spot-winged Glider - occasional; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - along sloughs and marshes. TM

5, SAN FRANCISCO CO.: Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer -a few pairs ovipositing - at Glen Park Canyon. K&DB

1-4, HUMBOLDT CO.: Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail -a few; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner - modest numbers; Aeshna palmata, Paddle-tailed Darner - modest numbers; *Anax junius, Common Green Darner* - many, a sighting only record for the county; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - modest numbers; S. illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - in the Arcata bottoms and marshes in modest numbers. TM


N/A, SANTA BARBARA CO.: *Anax junius, Green Darner*(seen but not collected); *Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk*; *Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher*; *Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk*; *Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags* - ALL of these species are new county records seen at Carpenteria Salt Marsh. Greg Grether

16-31, SONOMA CO.: Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner; Aeshna sp , Mosaic Darner sp.; Anax junius, Common Green Darner - 1 female ovipositing on 23rd; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - ovipositing; All at Bigsnest Pond -where things have slowed down drastically. KB

30, GLENN CO.: Enallagma carunculatum, Tule Bluet; Enallagma civile, Familiar Bluet; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner; Anax junius, Common Green Darner - lots; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher - 1; *Pantala flavescens, Wandering Glider* - new county sight record, 1 seen; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk; Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebag - all at Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge. TM

28, SACRAMENTO CO.: Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer; Enallagma sp., Bluet sp. - (probably Familiar, but just females); Anax junius, Common Green Darner -(very common); Aeshna sp. - probably Blue-eyed Darner; Libelula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer - all at American River Parkway; "The pickings are getting pretty slim." TM

23 BUTTE CO.: Enallagma civile, Familiar Bluets Anax junius, Green Darners; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darners; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawks; Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags - TM

20, SOLANO CO.: Archilestes californica, , California Spreadwing - many ovipositing into willow and alder trees; Archilestes grandis, Great Spreadwing - many on willow and alder trees; Argia lugens, Sooty Dancer - one male seen; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer - ovipositing; Aeshna multi-color, Blue-eyed Darner - some seen; Aeshna walkeri, Walker's Darner - some seen; Anax junius, Common Green Darner - a few seen; Libellula sp., ??-spotted Skimmer (8 or 12), brief glimpse; Paltothemis lineatipes , Red Rock Skimmer - a few; Sypetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - a few seen; Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags - a few seen. all at Cold Canyon near Monticello Dam. T&AM, K&DB

8 - 19, SONOMA CO.: Argia emma, Emma's Dancer; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer; Enallagma carunculatum, Tule Bluet - 2 males, first ever at pond!; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner - flying & 1-2 emerged from pond; Aeshna umbrosa , Shadow Darner; Libellula saturata , Flame Skimmer - 1 male occasionally ; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - ovipositing; S. illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - 1 male occasionally - last seen on 16th; S. pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk; All at Bigsnest Pond KB

7 -16, SACRAMENTO CO.: Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner; Anax junius Green Darner; Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawks; Pantala flavescens, Wandering Gliders (mostly); Pantala hymenaea, Spot-winged Gliders (a few) -- fall migration in full swing. TM

15, MARIN CO.: Enallagma carunculatum, Tule Bluet; Enallagma civile, Familiar Bluet; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner; Anax junius, Common Green Darner; *Libellula luctuosa , Widow Skimmer* - a new county record; Libellula lydia , Common Whitetail; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk; Sympetrum pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk; *Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags* - a sighting only county record - all at Stafford Lake near Novato. RS&TM

12, SOLANO CO.: Archilestes californica, California Spreadwing - abundant, ovipositing; Archilestes grandis, Great Spreadwing - common, ovipositing: A&CR

10, SOLANO CO.: *Archilestes grandis, , Great Spreadwing* - 1 male seen and collected, a first county record; Argia lugens, Sooty Dancer; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer; Aeshna walkeri, Walker's Darner - numerous; Paltothemis lineatipes , Red Rock Skimmer - 5-6 males and one female, all at Cold Canyon near Monticello Dam. AR&TM

6 & 7, PLUMAS CO.: Lestes congener, Spotted Spreadwing - fairly common; L. disjunctus , Common Spreadwing - fairly common at all sites; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancers - fairly common, even at hot water pools formed below Terminal Geyser that feeds Willow Lake; Enallagma cyathigerum, Northern Bluet - common; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail - common; Aeshna canadensis, Canada Darner - common; A. umbrosa, Shadow Darner - a number seen; Anax junius, Common Green Darner - a few seen; Libellula quadrimaculata, Four-spotted Skimmer - fairly common; Sympetrum costiferum, Saffron-winged Meadowhawk - a good # seen; S. corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - 1 seen at Terminal Geyser; S. danae, Black Meadowhawk - some seen; S. obtrusum, White-faced Meadowhawk - abundant at Willow Lake, also seen at Mosquito Springs; S. occidentale, Western Meadowhawk:- one seen at Mosquito Springs; Sympetrum pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk - some seen; S. vicinum, Yellow-legged Meadowhawk - several teneral males and females seen. Unless otherwise indicated, found at Willow Lake (which now boosts a list of 30 species!) K&DB.

6, TEHAMA CO.: Lestes congener, Spotted Spreadwing - fairly common; L. disjunctus , Common Spreadwing - common; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail - common; Aeshna canadensis, Canada Darner - common; Anax junius, Common Green Darner - a few seen; Seen at Wilson Lake. K&DB

6, SHASTA CO.: Argia vivida, Vivid Dancers - fairly common; *Aeshna palmata, Paddle-tailed Darner* - one collected; Libellula luctuosa , Widow Skimmer - 1 seen; Sympetrum pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk - some seen; Seen at Lake Britton, along Fall River &/or at Manzanita Lake. K&DB

5 & 6, SISKIYOU CO.: Argia vivida, Vivid Dancers - fairly common; Enallagma carunculatum, Tule Bluet -some seen; Enallagma civile, Familiar Bluet - a few seen; Aeshna sp., Darner species; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - some seen at all sites; S. pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk - some seen; Seen at Widow Springs Pond, Mud Creek &/or our Mt. Shasta property. K&DB

5 & 6, SONOMA CO.: Argia vivida, Vivid Dancers; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner; Aeshna umbrosa , Shadow Darner; Libellula saturata , Flame Skimmer - 1 male; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk; S. pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk; All at Bigsnest Pond KB

2, PLUMAS CO.: Lestes disjunctus, Common Spreadwing - common; L. congener, Spotted Spreadwing - fairly common; L. dryas, Emerald Spreadwing - 1 male seen; Amphiagrion abbreviatum, Western Red Damsels - 1 seen; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancers - fairly common; Enallagma boreale, Boreal Bluet - one collected & it confirms previous county sighting; Enallagma cyathigerum, Northern Bluet - abundant; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - common; I. perparva, Western Forktai - common l; Aeshna canadensis, Canada Darner - common; A. palmata, Paddle-tailed Darner - common; A. umbrosa, Shadow Darner - a number seen; Anax junius, Common green Darner - a few seen; Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk - sight ID - 1 male; Leucorrhinia intacta, Dot-tailed Whiteface - 3 collected; Libellula. pulchella , Twelve-spotted Skimmer -sight ID - 1 seen; L. quadrimaculata, Four-spotted Skimmer - fairly common; Sympetrum costiferum , Saffron-winged Meadowhawk - a good # seen; S. corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk; S. danae, Black Meadowhawk - 4-5 seen; S. obtrusum, White-faced Meadowhawk - abundant; S. pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk - some seen; S. occidentale, Western Meadowhawk:- some seen; * S. vicinum, Yellow-legged Meadowhawk:* - several teneral females seen, first seen in CA in ~20 years! All found at Willow Lake AR, KB, TM.


1 - 31 SONOMA CO.: Argia emma, Emma's Dancer - 1st ever seen at pond on 13th; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail; Telebasis salva , Desert Firetail - 1st ever at pond, seen on 5th & 6th; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner - flying; Aeshna umbrosa , Shadow Darner; Pachydiplax longipennis , Blue Dasher - 1 male occasionally, not coinciding with the female who visited on 3rd; Libellula pulchella , Twelve-spotted Skimmer - 1 male on 1st; Libellula saturata , Flame Skimmer - 1-2 males occasionally, 1 female ovipositing on 12th; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - 1st of season arrived on 5th; S. illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - 1 male, only occasionally after 28th, until now an everyday occurrence; *S. madidum , Red-veined Meadowhawk* - 1 male, new co record, on 12th; S. pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk; All at Bigsnest Pond KB

29 SACRAMENTO CO.: Aeshna sp., Mosaic Darner species; Anax junius, Green Darner; Pantala flavescens, Wandering Glider; Pantala hymenea, Spot-winged Glider; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - all at Airport Sewage Ponds. TM

25 SACRAMENTO CO.: Argia emma, Emma's Dancer - 1; Enallagma civile, Familiar Bluets -- a few; Anax junius, Green Darner -- 3-4; Pacydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher -- 6-8; Libelulla luctuosa, Widow Skimmer - 4; Pantala flavescens, Wandering Glider -- 10-15; Pantala hymenea, Spot-winged Glider -- 3-4; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk; Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags -- 8-10, all at American River. TM

24-25, PLUMAS CO.: Lestes congener, Spotted Spreadwing* - one teneral male; * L. disjunctus, Common Spreadwing; Enallagma cyathigerum, Northern Bluet; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; I. perparva, Western Forktail; * Nehalennia irene, Sedge Sprite*; Cordulegaster dorsalis, Pacific Spiketail; SECOND NEW SPECIES FOUND IN CALIFORNIA THIS MONTH!! * Aeshna canadensis, Canada Darner*; A. interrupta, Variable Darner; A. palmata, Paddle-tailed Darner; * A. umbrosa, Shadow Darner*; Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk - sight ID; Libellula pulchella , Twelve-spotted Skimmer -sight ID; L. quadrimaculata, Four-spotted Skimmer; * Sympetrum costiferum, Saffron-winged Meadowhawk*; S. corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk; * S. danae, Black Meadowhawk*; S. obtrusum, White-faced Meadowhawk; S. occidentale, Western Meadowhawk; S. pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk -- all found at Willow Lake AR

16, LAKE CO.: Argia vivida, Vivid Dancers - many; * Progomphus borealis, Gray Sanddragon.* - a female, she is species #13 for poor under-censused Lake Co.; * Brechmorhoga mendax, Pale-faced Clubskimmer* - a pair mating; *Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk* - several, new county record; Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags - several. K&DB

16, TEHAMA CO.: Aeshna sp, not Blue-eyed - a few; *Anax junius, Common Green Darner* - one or two, no pictures so an unconfirmed Tehama Co. record; Erythemis collocata, Western Pond Hawk - several; Libellula luctuosa, Widow skimmer - this time we were aware it was a TE Co. record, so we got pictures to confirm last month's sighting there; * L. puchella, Twelve-spotted Skimmer* - 1 or 2, no photo so sighting only for TE County record; L. saturata, Flame Skimmer - many; *Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - 1 or 2, county record; Tramea lacerata, Black saddlebags - several, again we were aware it was a TE Co. record, so we got pictures to confirm last month's sighting there. seen by K&DB near Hwy I-5;
seen also same day: Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer - a few at Round Valley (at a pretty little spring); *Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail* - common at Round Valley and a county record; Aeschna sp., Darner sp - an interrupta type; Anax junius, Common Green Darner - about 8-10 but also not photographed; *Pantala flavescens, Wandering Glider* - actually a county record; Pantala hymenea, Spot-winged Glider; and Libellula nodisticta, Hoary Skimmer at Round Valley - these seen by T&AM

15, PLUMAS CO.: Lestes disjunctus, Common Spreadwing -- commonly seen, a few netted; * Lestes dryas, Emerald Spreadwing*; -- a male netted; Amphiagrion abbreviatum, Western Red Damsel -- a male seen; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer -- abundant; Enallagma cyathigerum, Northern Bluet -- a couple netted, abundant; * Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail*; -- about 10 seen; Ischnura perparva , Western Forktail -- common; Aeshna palmata , Paddle-tailed Darner -- a male netted; Aeshna sp., Darner sp. -- many seen; FIRST NEW SPECIES FOUND IN CALIFORNIA IN ABOUT 20 YEARS!! *Leucorrhinia proxima, Red-waisted Whiteface*; * Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer*; -- a male seen well; Libellula lydia , Common Whitetail -- 2 males seen well; Libellula quadrimaculata, Four-spotted Skimmer -- fairly common; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk -- one seen; * Sympetrum obtrusum, White-faced Meadowhawk*; -- abundant; Sympetrum pallipes Sympetrum occidentale, Western Meadowhawk -- a male seen, all at Willow Lake. T&AM

14-16, SISKIYOU CO.: *Lestes congener, Spotted Spreadwing* - a few at Pumice Stone Well Pond. A county record for Siskiyou; Lestes disjunctus disjunctus, Common Spreadwing - abundant at both Pumice Stone and Little Medicine Lake. I brought two home to scan plus we took pictures. They are a lifer for both of us; *Lestes dryas, Emerald Spreadwing* - at Widow Springs Pond near McCloud. I brought one home to scan and I took pictures. It is a lifer for both of us and a county record for Siskiyou; *Lestes unguiculatus, Lyre-tipped Spreadwing* - at Pumice Stone Well Pond. I brought this one home to scan and was thinking it was just another Common until I scanned it and it came up obviously Lyre-tipped!. It is a lifer for both of us and a county record for Siskiyou; Amphiagrion abbreviatum, Western Red Damsels - still mating at Widow Springs Pond. Not seen elsewhere. A confirmation of suspected Aug. flight date in CA; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer - common at very small Abram's Lake near Black Butte, not seen elsewhere; Enallagma cyathigerum, Northern Bluet - zillions of them at Little Medicine Lake; Ischurna cervula, Pacific Forktail - one male at Pumice Stone, another at Little Medicine Lake; I. Perparva, Western Forktail - a few; Aeshna interrupta, Variable Darner - apparently abundant. They were a lifer for both of us. I brought home a female and took pictures of a male before releasing him; A. multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner - several. I brought home a dead male; Aeshna sp., Darner sp. that weren't Blue-eyed seen above everywhere; Anax junius, Common Green Darner - none seen flying, but exuviae abundant at Little Medicine Lake and a dead female found there; Cordulia shurtleffi, American Emerald - abundant at all three locations; at least one male Mt. Emerald, Somatachlora semicircularis, photographed at Little Medicine Lake; Leucorrhinia glacialis, Crimson-ringed Whiteface - at least one photographed at Pumice Stone Well, and several seen at Little Medicine Lake where I photographed one last year; *L. hudsonica, Hudsonian Whiteface* - many mating at Blanche Lake. Photographed, and it is a new co. record and confirms suspected Aug. CA flight date; Libellula puchella, Twelve-spotted Skimmer - one dying female at Pumice Stone Well, one male seen near our McCloud property. This confirms their Aug. flight period in CA; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - one on our property and one at nearby Mud Creek; S. occidentale, Western Meadowhawk - one caught and photoed at Blanche Lake. It escaped. A lifer for Dave and a confirmation of Aug. flight date for CA; S. pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk - zillions -The most common ode in the area. K&DB

12, BUTTE CO.: Enallagma cyathigerum, Northern Bluet, male netted, probably others seen- Butte Creek House; Enallagma boreale (?), Boreal Bluet, almost certainly this species seen, including tandem pairs, at the snow lakes near Snow Mountain, but couldn't be collected, would be new for the county; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail, some seen - Butte Creek House; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner, fairly common, Butte Creek House (female netted) and the snow lakes; Cordulia shurtleffi American Emerald fairly common at the snow lakes below Snow Mountain, male collected, first for Butte County; Libellula pulchella, Twelve-spotted Skimmer -- male along Willow Creek near Humbug Summit; Libellula quadrimaculata, Four-spotted Skimmer -- a few seen, Willow Creek meadows and snow lakes, female collected, first for Butte County; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk; a few seen various spots in the high country; Sympetrum occidentale, Western Meadowhawk; a few seen at meadows along Willow Creek below Humbug Summit and at the snow lakes, first observations for Butte County, but none collected; Sympetrum pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk, fairly common in the meadow at Butte Creek House and at the snow lakes; - High country of Butte County (6000'-6500'). TM

7, SACRAMENTO CO.: Hetaerina americana, American Rubyspot, 5-10 seen; Argia emma, Emma's Dancer, common, 40-50 seen; Argia lugens, Sooty Dancer, 20-30 seen; Enallagma civile, Familiar Bluet, a few seen; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail, a few; Erpetogomphus compositus, White-belted Ringtail - 2-3 males seen; Brechmorhoga mendax, Pale-faced Clubskimmer, 10-12 seen; Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk, 3-4 seen; Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer, 2 seen; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer, 5-6 seen; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk, 2-3 seen; - Cosumnes River at Bridgehouse. TM

4, SACRAMENTO CO.: Enallagma spp?, bluets, either Tule and/or Familiar, two different females; Archilestes californica, California Spreadwing, female seen; Anax junius, Common Green Darner, one seen; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer, one seen; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher, female seen; Pantala flavescens, Wandering Glider, female netted; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk; 1-2 seen; Sympetrum pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk, one seen; - Arden Park backyard. TM


19 - 31, SONOMA CO.: Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail; Aeshna sp., Mosaic Darner sp. - many 'fly-bys', including Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner - males and females, female spent one hour ovipositing into Creeping Primrose stems; Libellula forensis, Eight-spotted Skimmer, male on 17th; L. lydia, Common Whitetail - female; L. saturata, Flame Skimmer - one male; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher - all males; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - ovipositing yet; Sympetrum pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk - one male; all at Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol; at the Laguna in Sebastopol all the above except the Striped Meadowhawk were seen on the 31st and also Argia sp., Dance species, several ovipositing pair; Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk, photographed as proof of last year's 1st county record; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - one male; Tramesas lacerata, Black Saddlebags - several; KB

18, MENDOCINO CO.: Argia emma, Emma's Dancer - at least 1, took photo; Engallaga cyathigerum, Northern Bluet - possibly; *Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail*; Erythemis collocata,, Western Pondhawk - numerous, took photos of female; *Libellula forensis, Eight-spotted Skimmer* - 1 or 2, took photos; Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer - many - took photos of female; *Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail* - 1, took photos; ; *Pachydiplax longipennis,* Blue Dasher* - numerous, took photos, *Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags* - numerous, took photos, - all at Real Goods in Hopland. K&DB

18, SONOMA CO.: Hetaerina americana, American Rubyspot - many at Russian River near Asti - photos taken; * Argia emma, Emma's Dancer* - 1 or more at Little Sulfur Creek near Cloverdale, collected and scanned; *A. lugens, * Sooty Dancer* - *1 at least at Crocker Creek near Asti, photos taken; Engallaga carunculatum, Tule Bluet - 1 at least at Russian River near Asti; Engallaga cyathigerum, Northern Bluet - 1 at least at Crocker Creek neat Asti; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail -1 only our Bigsnest Pond; Aeshna sp., Mosaic Darner sp -1 only Bigsnest Pond; Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer - at Russian River near Asti; *Pachydiplax longipennis, *Blue Dasher - *1 emerged from Bigsnest Pond, took photos. K&DB

6 - 16, SONOMA CO.: Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail; Aeshna sp., Mosaic Darner sp. - many 'fly-bys', some landing in plum tree; Aeshna umbrosa, Shadow Darner - male, caught, scanned, photographed & released on 11th; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner - male, caught, scanned, photographed & released on 14th ; Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail - 1 male on 16th; L. saturata, Flame Skimmer - male on 13th; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher - 1 male, on 6th & 12th; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - ovipositing yet - at Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB

11, PLUMAS CO.: Amphiagrion abbreviatum, Western Red Damsel; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer; *Enallagma boreal, Boreal Bluet*; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail; Tanypteryx hageni, Black Petaltail; Cordulegaster dorsalis, Pacific Spiketail; Libellula pulchella, Twelve-spotted Skimmer; Libellula quadrimaculata, Four-spotted Skimmer; Sympetrum pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk; - all at Butterfly Valley; Anax junius, Common Green Darner; *Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk*; Libellula forensis, Eight-spotted Skimmer; Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail; Libellula pulchella, Twelve-spotted Skimmer; - all in American Valley near Quincy; Argia emma, Emma's Dancer; Ophiogomphus (bison?), (Bison?) Snaketail; - Spanish Creek Campground, Hwy 70. TM, AM

11, BUTTE CO.: Lestes stultus, Black Spreadwing; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner; Anax junius, Common Green Darner; Libellula pulchella, Twelve-spotted Skimmer; Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk; Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags - Cherokee Road over Table Mountain, various spots. TM, AM

7, BUTTE CO.: Hetaerina americana, American Rubyspot; Argia emma, Emma's Dancer; Ischnura denticollis, Black-fronted Forktail; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk; - all at Dry Creek at Hwy 149; Lestes stultus, Black Spreadwing; Enallagma civile Familiar Bluet; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail; Anax junius, Common Green Darner; Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer; Libellula pulchella, Twelve-spotted Skimmer; Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer; Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk; Sympetrum pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk; Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags - Cherokee Road over Table Mountain, various spots. TM

6, GLEN CO.: Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher- dozens; *Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer*; Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail; all seen one mile south of Artois, Hwy 99W; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk; Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebag - both seen at Sacramento Game Refuge entrance. KB, DB

6, TEHAMA CO.: Gomphus sp, Clubtail sp.; Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk; *Libellula forensis, Eight-spotted Skimmer*; *Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer*; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer - plentiful; *Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebag* - all seen one mile south of Corning, Hwy 99W. KB, DB

5, SHASTA CO.: Ambhiagrion abbreviatum, Western Red Damsel - MacArthur Swamp; *Argia emma, Emma's Dancer* (just emerging at Big Lake); Enallagma carunculatum, Tule Bluet; Enallagma sp. Bluet sp. (Northern?); *Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail*; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail -common; Aeshna californica, California Darner; Anax junius, Common Green Darner; Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk; Libellula forensis, Eight-spotted Skimmer - easily 1000's; ; *Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer*; Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail - 100's; Libellula pulchella Twelve-spotted Skimmer; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk; Sympetrum pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk; *Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebag* - all seen in the Fall River area. KB, DB

3-5, SISKIYOU CO.: Ambhiagrion abbreviatum, Western Red Damsel -common; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail -common; Aeshna californica, California Darner; Libellula pulchella Twelve-spotted Skimmer; Sympetrum sp., Meadowhawk sp; - all seen in the McCloud area. KB, DB

3, FRESNO CO.: Argia agrioides, California Dancer; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer - at a spring seep; Progomphus borealis, Gray Sanddragon; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer - all seen along Los Gatos Creek northwest of Coalinga. TM

1-2, ORANGE CO.: Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner- a few; Anax junius, Common Green Darner - Common; Libellula croceipennis, Neon Skimmer -- 5-6 at Hummingbird Park in Aliso Viejo near Leisure World; Pantala flavescens, Wandering Glider -- 5-6; Pantala hymenea, Spot-winged Glider -- Laguna Hills; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk -- 6+; Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags. TM

1 & 2, SONOMA CO.: Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail; *Telebasis salva, Desert Firetail*; Libellula forensis, 8-spotted Skimmer; L. saturata, Flame Skimmer; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - all at a tiny roadside pond on Robert's Road, Cotati on 1st; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail; Aeshna sp., Mosaic Darner sp., 2 exuviae found; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - ovipositing - at Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB


30, RIVERSIDE CO.: Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Enallagma civile, Familiar Bluet; Enallagma praevarum, Arroyo Bluet; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner- a few; Anax junius, Common Green Darner - common; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer - common; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher - abundant; Perethemis intensa, Mexican Amberwing; Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags. - about 10; -- all common at Rancho Jurupa County Park. TM

26 - 30, SONOMA CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - several; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail - several; Zoniagrion exclamationis, Exclamation Damsel (aka Sierra Damsel) - 2 pair, oviposit into Creeping Primrose; Aeshna sp., Mosaic Darner sp.,1 exuviae found, 1 flies over; Libellula forensis, Eight-spotted Skimmer, 1 male on 30th; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer, 1 male on 26th, 1 female scatter ovipositing on 29th; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher - 1 female; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - still ovipositing; - Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB

28, KERN CO.: Hetaerina americana, American Rubyspot; and dancer sp? - Fort Tejon - TM

28, KING CO.: Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer - at the California Aqueduct near Kettleman City (the only water around!); also a distant. view of a large ode (darner sp?). So the Kings County list stands at one unverified species! TM

25, SACRAMENTO CO.: Argia emma, Emma's Dancer, common; Argia lugens, Sooty Dancer , 4-5 females, one netted, photographed; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer, a few seen; - all dancers on rocks along the Cosumnes River, Bridgehouse; Enallagma cyathigerum, Northern Bluet, two males netted, many others seen; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail, common; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail, common; Telebasis salva, Desert Firetail, fairly common; Anax junius, Common Green Darner, 1-2 seen flying; Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk, 3-4 seen; Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer, common, ~10 seen; Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail, male seen ; Libellula pulchella, Twelve-spotted Skimmer, male seen; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer, a few seen; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher, common; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk, uncommon; Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags, one seen - all along Deer Creek at Scott Road; Pantala hymenaea, Spot-winged Glider, one along Latrobe Road E. of Scott Road intersection; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner, a female in TM's backyard when we returned home! TM, KB

23 & 24, SONOMA CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - several; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail - several; Zoniagrion exclamationis, Exclamation Damsel (aka Sierra Damsel) - tandem pair, female all dark, oviposit into Creeping Primrose; Aeshna sp., Mosaic Darner sp.,1 exuviae found; Anax junius, Common Green Darner, solo female spent an hr. in pond ovipositing into stems of Creeping Primrose, picture taken; Sympetrum pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk - 2 seen in yd, first time ever; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - still ovipositing, 3 males, 1 female - Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB

23, BUTTE CO.: Hetaerina americana, American Rubyspot - male, along Dry Creek at Hwy. 149 bridge; Argia agrioides, California Dancer - male netted along Dry Creek at Hwy. 149, a few others seen; Argia lugens, Sooty Dancer - fairly common Butte Creek Ecological Preserve, Chico, also a few along Dry Creek at Hwy. 149; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer, common at the Butte Creek Ecological Preserve; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - a male seen near Biggs, in rice country; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner, a few in flight, Butte Creek Canyon; Anax junius, Common Green Darner, a few seen over rice fields near Biggs; Erpetogomphus compositus, White-belted Ringtail - male netted, Dry Creek at Hwy. 149; Progomphus borealis, Gray Sanddragon - 2 seen along Dry Creek at Hwy. 149; Brechmorhoga mendax Pale-faced Clubskimmer, one seen along Butte Creek above the Skyway; Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer, a few along Butte Creek above the Skyway; Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail, a few along Butte Creek above the Skyway; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer, one seen at Butte Creek Ecological Preserve; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher - common along Butte Creek; Tramea Lacerata, Black Saddlebags, tandem pair over rice field near Biggs. TM

17-22, DEL NORTE CO.: *Lestes stultus, Black Spreadwing*; *Enallagma civile, Familiar Bluet* - male at the Smith River; *Aeshna californica, California Darner*; Gomphus kurilis, Pacific Clubtail; *Ophiogomphus bison, Bison Snaketail*; *Sympetrum madidum, Red-veined Meadowhawk* - most seen in the Crescent City area. DP

17-22, MODOC CO.: *Lestes dryas, Emerald Spreadwing*; Argia alberta, Pauite Dancer; A. nahuana, Aztec Dancer; *Enallagama anna, Anna's Bluet*; *E. civile, Familiar Bluet*; *E. cyathigerum, Northern Bluet*; *Ischnura denticollis, Black-fronted Forktail*; *Aeshna californica, California Darner*; *Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner*; *Anax junius, Common Green Darner*; *Gomphus kurilis, Pacific Clubtail*; Ophiogomphus severus, Pale Snaketail; *Epitheca canis, Beaverpond Baskettail*; *Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk*; *Leucorrhinia intacta, Dot-tailed Whiteface*; *Libellula comanche, Comanche Skimmer*; L. luctuosa, Widow Skimmer; * L. lydia, Common Whitetail*; L. nodisticta, Hoary Skimmer; L. quadrimaculata, Four-spotted Skimmer*; L. saturata, Flame Skimmer; *L. subornata, Desert Whitetail*; * L. quadrimaculata, 4-spotted Skimmer*; *Pantala hymenaea (sight), Spot-winged Glider*; *Sympetrum madidum, Red-veined Meadowhawk* - seen in Modoc Co, with many at a hot-spring run NE of Cedarville. DP

21, SACRAMENTO CO.: Enallagma carunculatum, Tule Bluet, female netted, a few others seen; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail, common; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner, a few in flight; Anax junius, Common Green Darner, a few seen; Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk, 20 seen; Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer, 10 seen; Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail - common, 50 seen ; Libellula pulchella, Twelve-spotted Skimmer, 12+ seen; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher - abundant, 100s seen; Pantala flavescens, Wandering Glider, 1 probable seen in flight; Pantala hymenaea, Spot-winged Glider, 4 seen; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk, only one seen; Tramea Lacerata, Black Saddlebags, 2 seen; - Cosumnes River Preserve, Willow Slough Trail. TM, AM

19, LOS ANGELES CO.: Zygoptera sp., damselfly sp.; Anax junius, Green Darner; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher; Pantala flavescens, Wandering Glider; Perethemis intensa, Mexican Amberwing; Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags; Tramea onusta, Red Saddlebags - all at Legg Lake, east of Los Angeles. K&DB

18, LOS ANGELES CO.: Argia Vivida, Vivid Dancer; Paltothemis lineatipes, Red Rock Skimmer - at Eden Canyon, Pasadena. K&DB

17, BUTTE CO.: Zoniagrion exclamationis, Sierra Damsel, 5+ seen; Pantala hymenaea, Spot-winged Glider, one; - Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park; Argia emma, Emma's Dancer, fairly common; Argia lugens, Sooty Dancer, fairly common; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer, common; Octogomphus specularis, Grappletail, male netted; Ophiogomphus bison, Bison Snaketail - fairly common, male netted; - Upper Bidwell Park, Chico. TM

15 - 17, SONOMA CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - several; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail - several, Zoniagrion exclamationis, Exclamation Damsel (aka Sierra Damsel) - ovipositing; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher - both sexes seen on 15th, male again on 16th; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - still ovipositing; Libellula saturata; Flame Skimmer - 1 male - Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB

14, LASSEN CO.: Amphiagrion abbreviatum Western Red Damsel - abundant at Duck Lake N of Westwood; Enallagma anna, River Bluet, fairly common, Willow Creek Valley near Merrillville; Enallagma cyathigerum, Northern Bluet, fairly common, Willow Creek Wildlife Area; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail, common, widespread; Ischnura denticollis, Black-fronted Forktail, one female netted; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail, common, especially at Duck Lake N of Westwood; Aeshna californica, California Darner -- tandem pair netted at Willow Creek Wildlife Area (possible first record for LASSEN?); Aeshna sp? unidentified darners seen along Willow Creek at Merrillville; Libellula forensis, Eight-spotted Skimmer, a few seen, Willow Creek Wildlife Area; Libellula quadrimaculata, Four-spotted Skimmer - common, mostly tenerals, Duck Lake N of Westwood; TM, AM

14, SONOMA CO. : Enallagma carunculatum, Tule Bluet - 5 or 6; Enallagma cyathigerum, Northern Bluet - 1; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - several dozen emerging, all in one pond area; Anax junius, Common Green Darner - 7 or 8 males; Libellula forensis, Eight-spotted Skimmer - 1 male; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - dozens - all at Schollenberger Park (brackish water), Petaluma River, Petaluma. KB

14, YOLO CO.: *Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer*; *Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail; *Libellula saturata; Flame Skimmer*; - several seen in Davis yard. GZ

13 & 14, SONOMA CO. : Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - several; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail - several, Zoniagrion exclamationis, Exclamation Damsel (aka Sierra Damsel) - ovipositing; Libellula saturata; Flame Skimmer - 1 male; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - 2 pair still ovipositing, plus one other male- all at Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB

13, LASSEN CO.: Lestes dryas, Emerald Spreadwing - common, a number netted; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer, a few in Amadee Canyon, Amadee Range; Enallagma carunculatum, Tule Bluet, fairly common, some netted; Enallagma clausum, Alkali Bluet, fairly common on Dakin Unit; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail, common; Ischnura denticollis, Black-fronted Forktail, one female netted; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail, common; Anax junius Common Green Darner, common Aeshna sp? unidentified darners seen in Amadee Canyon; Libellula forensis, Eight-spotted Skimmer, one teneral seen; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk, common; - all from Honey Lake Wildlife Area except where noted. TM, AM

10, SACRAMENTO CO.: Hetaerina americana, American Rubyspot - one possible seen; Lestes congener, Spotted Spreadwing - common, a number netted; Lestes stultus, Black Spreadwing, a few seen, netted; Argia agrioides, California Dancer, a few seen, one male netted; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer, common; Enallagma carunculatum, Tule Bluet, male netted, a few others seen; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail, common; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail, a few seen; Aeshna sp?, darners, probably Blue-eyed a few in flight; Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer, common; Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail, imm. male seen ; Libellula pulchella, Twelve-spotted Skimmer, 1 seen; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher, some seen; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk, only one seen; Sympetrum occidentale, Western Meadowhawk, only female netted; Sympetrum pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk, fairly common; - Sacramento Bar, American River Parkway. TM, KB

8 & 9, SONOMA CO. : Lestes stultus, Black Spreadwing - one male, 1st ever at pond, photographed, netted, scanned & released; Zoniagrion exclamationis, Exclamation Damsel (aka Sierra Damsel) - several; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - several; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail - several; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - still ovipositing, 3 males & 1 female seen, Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB

2, BUTTE CO.: Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail, common; Zoniagrion exclamationis, Sierra Damsel, 3-4 seen, tandem pair netted - Pine Creek Boat Ramp, Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park; Hetaerina americana, American Rubyspot; Gomphus kurilis, Pacific Clubtail - female netted; Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail, 2-3 females seen - Humboldt Park, Little Chico Creek, Chico; Argia emma, Emma's Dancer, common; Argia lugens, Sooty Dancer, 1 possibly seen; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer, a few seen; Gomphus kurilis, Pacific Clubtail - a male netted; Octogomphus specularis, Grappletail - female netted; Ophiogomphus bison, Bison Snaketail - 2 males netted; Epitheca canis, Beaverpond Baskettail, one possibly seen; Libellula pulchella, Twelve-spotted Skimmer, 1 seen; - Upper Bidwell Park, Chico. TM, AR

1 & 2, SONOMA CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - 1 female on 1st; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - still ovipositing, 2 males & 1 female seen, Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB


31, BUTTE CO.: Lestes stultus, Black Spreadwing, abundant; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner; Anax junius, Common Green Darner; Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail; Libellula pulchella, Twelve-spotted Skimmer; Sympetrum pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk, 10+, most tenerals; - Cherokee Road over Table Mountain, various spots. AR, TM

31, YUBA CO.: Lestes congener, Spotted Spreadwing, male collected; Enallagma civile, Familiar Bluet; Ophiogomphus occidentis, Sinuous Snaketail, male collected; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner; Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk; Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer, one seen; - along the Yuba River at the Hwy. 20 bridge. AR, TM

29 - 31, SONOMA CO. : Aeshna multicolor , Blue-eyed Darner - 1 male emerged, Gravenstein School on 29th; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - still ovipositing, the 3 species above at Bigsnest Wildlife Pond and the Laguna Park Ponds - all above in Sebastopol; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer - only species present at Russian River, near Forestville, on 31st. KB

13 - 25, SONOMA CO. : Argia vivida , Vivid Dancer - 16 seen sunning at 5 PM on brick pile next door to Bigsnest; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - many emerging; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail - many emerging; Zoniagrion exclamationis, Exclamation Damsel (aka Sierra Damsel) - several, some oviposit into pond; Aeshna sp., Mosaic Darner sp. - one exuviae found; Libellula saturata , Flame Skimmer - 1st in pond this season; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - still ovipositing, one is hassled by an Allen's Hummingbird; Libellula lydia , Common Whitetail - male lingered at pond on 17th - all at Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB

23 - 24, SAN BERNARDINO CO.: Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer; and a few big darners (sp?) - along the Mojave River; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher; Pantala hymenaea, Spot-winged Glider; Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebag; Tramea onusta, Red Saddlebag - at California City, near Mojave. TM

22, BUTTE CO.: Hetaerina americana, American Rubyspot - 2-3, Little Chico Creek, Chico; 1, Dry Creek, Hwy 149 bridge near Shippee Road; 1, spreadwing pond, Table Mountain; Argia emma, Emma's Dancer - 2 males (1 immature, 1 adult) netted & others, Little Chico Creek, Chico; Argia sp., Dancer sp. - Oroville Wildlife Area, not Emma's (maybe Vivid?); Enallagma sp., Bluet sp. - pond, Table Mountain; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - fairly common, Oroville Wildlife Area; Gomphid sp., Clubtail sp. - Little Chico Creek, Chico; Anax junius, Common Green Darner - 4, pond, Table Mountain; Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk - fairly common, ponds, Oroville Wildlife Area; Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail - 2, Little Chico Creek, Chico; 2, pond, Table Mountain; L. pulchella, 12-spotted Skimmer - ~ 6, pond, Table Mountain; L. saturata, Flame Skimmer - 1 dull immature, Bidwell-Sacramento River; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher - fairly common, Oroville Wildlife Area; Sympetrum sp., Meadowhawks ? - all immatures; TM

17 - 21, SACRAMENTO CO.: Lestes sp., Spreadwing sp. - 1 female; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Enallagma carunculatum - male & female Tule Bluet - male; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner - a couple; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer - female , all seen in Sacramento backyard. TM

18, SACRAMENTO CO.: Argia sp., Dancer female; *Zoniagrion exclamationis, Exclamation Damsel* (aka Sierra Damsel) - 10-15 seen; Aeshna sp, Darner - a few, all seen American River Parkway. TM

15, BUTTE CO.: Lestes stultus, Black Spreadwings - 100s; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail; Enallagma sp., Bluet; Anax junius, Green Darner - a few; Sympetrum sp., Meadowhawk - seen on a pond on Table Mountain in the Oroville area; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer - (pretty widespread); Aeshnasp., Darner sp.; Gomphid so., Clubtail sp. seen; Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail - elsewhere on Table Mountain. TM

14, SACRAMENTO CO.: ; Erythemis collocata, Western Pondhawk; Libellula lydia , Common Whitetail - Sacramento backyard; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; A. multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner; Anax junius; Common Green Darner; Libellula lydia , Common Whitetail Panatala hymenaea, Spot-winged Glider; Tramea lacerata , Black Saddlebag - seen along the American River near Cal Expo. TM

10, SACRAMENTO CO.: Aeshna interrupta, Variable Darner; A. multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner; Anax junius; Common Green Darner; Libellula saturata , Flame Skimmer; Panatala hymenaea, Wandering Glider; Tramea lacerata , Black Saddlebag - seen American River (Sunrise area). AR

10, STANISLAUS CO.: Hetaerina americana, American Rubyspot - several ; Argia vivida, Vivid Cancer - several; Enallagma boreale, Boreal Bluet; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - several; Aeshna sp., Darner; Gomphus kurilis, Pacific Clubtail -1; Octogomhus specularis, Grappletail - 1 female, photo taken; Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail -1 - all in Del Puerto Canyon. KB & TM

9, SONOMA CO. : Libellula saturata , Flame Skimmer - a female seen in Petaluma; a male in Cotati. KB, DB

1 - 8, SONOMA CO. : Argia vivida , Vivid dancer - a few; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - many emerging; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail - many emerging; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - at most 4 tandem pairs & 1 other male seen at one time - all at Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB

7, BUTTE CO.: gomphid sp., Clubtail - Chico area; Enallagma carunculatum, Tule Bluet - several ; Enallagma civile, Familiar Bluet - several; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - several; Epitheca canis, Beaverpond Baskettail - 3 - 4; Aeshna sp., Darner; Libellula pulchella, Twelve-spotted Skimmer - female; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer; Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher - a couple of females; Sympetrum sp., Meadowhawk, a rusty one that did not look Variegated - all in Butte Creek Canyon. TM

2 - 4, SACRAMENTO CO.: Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail, male; Lestes congener, Spotted Spreadwing, female - Sacramento backyard. TM

3, NAPA CO.: A. vivida, Vivid Dancer; Enallagma cyathigerum, Northern Bluet; E. praevarum , Arroyo Bluet; Zoniagrion exclamationis, Exclamation Damsel (aka Sierra Damsel) - all at Pope Creek. AR


19-30, SONOMA CO. : Enallgama cyathigerum, Northern Bluet - 2; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - many emerging; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail - many emerging; Aeshna californica, California Darner - 1 emerged, many pictures taken; Aeshna sp., Mosaic Darner sp. - 1 emerged on 21st, 2 others emerged on 24th, 1 landed at bog on 25th; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - at least 3 males and 1 female, female tandem ovipositing, at one point a 2nd male hooked onto a tandem pair to create a chain of 3! - all at Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB

24 - 29, SACRAMENTO CO. : Enallagma carunculatum, Tule Bluet, immature male; Enallagma civile, Familiar Bluet; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Aeshna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner, 2 females; Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer, female - Sacramento backyard. TM

26, LAKE CO. : *Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer*; *Enallagma cyathigerum , Northern Bluet*; *Pantala hymenea, Spot-winged Glider* - 1 female ovipositing into temp. pond; T&AM, K&DB

22, BUTTE CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Argia civile, Familiar Bluet, immature male - a few in the countryside around Chico. TM

21, NAPA CO. : Enallagma civile, Familiar Bluet; E. carunculatum, Tule Bluet; E. cyathigerum,Northern Bluet; Ischnura Cervula, Pacific Forktail; I. perparva, Western Forktail; Aeshna californica, California Darner; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - all at Napa Co. pond. Hetaerina americana, American Rubyspot; Gomphus kurilis, Pacific Clubtail; at Pope Creek. AR

21, SACRAMENTO CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail; one dragonfly species - along the Cosumnes River, near Bridgehouse. TM

16 SAN BERNARDINO CO. : Hetaerina americana, American Rubyspot; Argia nahuana, Aztec Dancer; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer - several, all of above at Morongo Valley Nature Preserve; Pantala hymenea, Spot-winged Glider -1 collected by our car windshield! -Hwy. 247, all near Yucca Valley KB & DB

13 - 15 SAN DIEGO CO. : Hetaerina americana, American Rubyspot; Argia nahuana, Aztec Dancer photographed; Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer - all of above at Coyote Canyon; Enallagma cyathigerum , Northern Bluet; Libellula saturata , Flame Skimmer - both of above at Coyote Canyon & San Felipe Creek; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags - both of above at San Felipe Creek, all in Anza-Borrego State Park. KB & DB

12 (Easter Sunday), YOLO CO. : *Libellula lydia, Common Whitetail*, - female seen in Davis yard. GZ

1-11, SONOMA CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - some emerging; Aeshna californica, California Darner - 1 emerged; Aeshna sp., Mosaic Darner sp. - 1 ovipositing; Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk - 1 male, first of season! - all at Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB

9, SACRAMENTO CO. : Argia civile, Familiar Bluet, immature male; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - Sacramento backyard. TM

8, SACRAMENTO CO. : Argia sp., Dancers - 10 - 12; Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail, - a few seen; Ischnura perparva, Western Forktail, - a few seen; Libellula sp., Slimmer Sp. - one teneral dragonfly (a weak flyer that allowed close approach) that was either 12-spotted or Common Whitetail, a female, - all at Effie Yeaw Nature Center in the American River Parkway, Sacramento. TM

5,6, SACRAMENTO CO. : Enallagma sp, Bluets - 2 seen, Sacramento backyard. TM


28 - 30, SACRAMENTO CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail, - 3 seen, the 28th; Enallagma carunculatum, Tule Bluet, - 1 seen, the 30th, Sacramento backyard. TM

27 - 30 SONOMA CO. : Ischnura sp., Forktail sp. exuviae found - Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, the 27th; Ischnura cervula Pacific Forktail - 12 seen; Aeshna sp. Mosaic Darner sp - 1 seen, probably a California, the 29th - Laguna Park, Sebastopol. KB

27, SACRAMENTO CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail, - many seen; Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - quite a few, including one tandem pair; Aeshna sp., Darner sp., one female - all at Stone Lakes Wildlife Refuge. TM

22-23, SAN DIEGO CO. : Several unidentifiable dragonflies seen flying in Anza-Borrego State park! GZ

22, SONOMA CO. : Zoniagrion exclamationis, Exclamation Damsel (aka Sierra Damsel) - 1 emerged; Aeshna californica, California Darner, 1 emerged - all from Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB

19, BUTTE CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail, - a few in the countryside around Chico. TM

19, SONOMA CO. : Aeshna californica, California Darner, - 1 emerged from Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB

17, SACRAMENTO CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail, - 1 seen along American River, Sacramento. TM

16 -17 SONOMA CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - 1 emerged on 16th; 2 seen on 17th - from Bigsnest Wildlife Pond, Sebastopol. KB

14, SONOMA CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - ~14 seen at the old sewage ponds adjacent to the Laguna, Sebastopol. KB

10, SACRAMENTO CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - 15-20 seen at Natomas Drain north of Sacramento. TM

7/8, LOS ANGELES CO. : Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - first flying large dragonfly seen in 1998 in California was at Descanso Gardens, La Canada. GZ


27, SAN JOAQUIN CO. : Ischnura cervula, Pacific Forktail - very first flying damselfly seen in 1998 in California was 3-4 males at White Slough. TM


2, N/A CO. : Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk - very first flying dragonfly seen in 1998 in California AR

*= county record, AR=Andy Rehn, DP=Dennis Paulson, GZ=Gary Zamzow, JC=Jeff Cole, KH=Kirk Hopkin, KB=Kathy Biggs, DB=Dave Biggs, RL=Ron Lyons, RS=Rich Stallcup, TM=Tim Manolis, AM=Annette Manolis,

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